Regularly Scheduled Meetings:
The Atwater Township Board of Trustees shall meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month during 2025 at the Atwater Town Hall located at 1219 State Route 183, Atwater, Ohio commencing at 7:00 pm and concluding at the end of business with the following exceptions: the January 28th meeting moved to January 27th; July 8th meeting will begin at 6:30pm with the budget hearing; the regularly scheduled meeting will immediately follow; and the regularly scheduled December 23rd meeting moved to December 30th. Any changes to the above dates shall be published on the Atwater Township’s website calendar ( and posted on the front townhall door.
Special Meetings:
Notice of the time, place, and purpose of all special meetings shall be published on the Atwater Township’s website calendar ( and posted on the front townhall door with
at least twenty-four hours notice; except in the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action. Business beyond the scope of the stated purpose for a special meeting shall not be discussed.
Special Emergency Meetings:
In the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action, The Trustee or Trustee designee calling the meeting shall immediately publish notice of said meeting on the Township’s website calendar ( along with notice on the front townhall door, of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. Business beyond the scope of the stated purpose for the emergency meeting shall not be discussed.